
Published in Psychology Today by Dana Klisanin Ph.D


Enhance Well-Being via Meaningful Coincidences

Synchronicity represents meaningful coincidences, suggesting the possibility of an interconnected universe.


This concept aligns closely with the idea of "rewilding" the human psyche, a process of returning to a more intuitive and nature-connected state of mind.

Jung coined the term "synchronicity" to illustrate the phenomenon of "meaningful coincidences," where events are connected by meaning rather than causality. This principle suggests an underlying pattern or interconnectedness in the universe that transcends conventional understandings of cause and effect.



Our ancestors, living in greater harmony with nature and less distracted by modern phenomena like social media, were intuitively attuned to the mystical and symbolic aspects of life, including synchronicity. They perceived their existence as part of a larger, interconnected whole. In today's world, by recognizing and reflecting upon synchronicities, we can rewild our psyches, reviving this deep-seated awareness of interconnectedness and the significance of meaningful coincidences.



Realization of our interdependence supports our ability to recognize synchronicities. And simultaneously, recognizing synchronicities supports our ability to awaken to our interdependence. By understanding and interpreting synchronicities, especially during periods of change or uncertainty, we can guide our personal growth and become more antifragile.


Synchronicity invites us to experience a world where internal and external realities intertwine in remarkable ways. By recognizing and reflecting on these meaningful coincidences, we take strides in the process of rewilding our psyches, reconnecting with the intuitive understanding of interconnectedness that our ancestors naturally possessed. Simultaneously, this practice allows us to cultivate an antifragile mindset, turning perceived challenges into opportunities for growth.


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